Tips for More Accessible Presentations
I’m busy building presentations for some upcoming conferences, so in lieu of a full blog post, please read my twitter thread about making your presentations more accessible. All but one of these tips are applicable regardless of the software that you use to build presentation content. Why lose the engagement of a single person in… Continue reading Tips for More Accessible Presentations
New Centralized View of SQL Resources in Azure
Yesterday, some new views were made available in the Azure portal that will be helpful to those of us who create or manage Azure SQL resources. First, a new guided approach to creating resources has been added to the Azure portal. We now have a unified experience to create Azure SQL resources that offers guidance… Continue reading New Centralized View of SQL Resources in Azure
Using Azure Automation to Shut Down a VM only if a SQL Agent Job is Not Running.
I have a client who uses MDS (Master Data Services) and SSIS (Integration Services) in an Azure VM. Since we only need to execute the SQL Agent job that runs the SSIS packages infrequently, we shut down the VM when it is not in use in order to save costs. We wanted to make sure… Continue reading Using Azure Automation to Shut Down a VM only if a SQL Agent Job is Not Running.
My Preferences for SSIS Design
Lately, I have been using SSIS execution frameworks and Biml created by other people to populate data marts and data warehouses. It has taught me a few things and helped me clarify what I like and dislike compared to my usual framework. I’ve got the beginning of my preferences list started below. There are probably… Continue reading My Preferences for SSIS Design