Protect your data, secure your estate

DCAC helps you plan a security strategy that protects
against external attack and internal weaknesses.

You have one chance to get this right—hackers have a million

Are you still crossing your fingers and hoping the worst will never happen? Security events are not a case of ‘if’ but ‘when’—your ability to preserve business continuity hinges on assessing your risk, planning for recovery, and never considering security as job done.

We build your 'in case of catastrophe' plan

Because some things you can't fix once it's too late

Our team of experts will review your applications and systems in order to find the potential breaches before they are compromised by bad actors. This includes ensuring your system is updated to avoid weaknesses caused by out-of-date tech, reviewing processes for best practices, and making sure your backup and restore protocols will protect your business from the worst-case scenario.

Here's how we can help

Health Checks

When was your system’s last check-up? We catch errors and issues before they threaten your entire data environment.


Been putting off upgrades? We can smooth the transition and bring your system up to speed.

Backup & Recovery

Backups and the right disaster recovery plan can save the day when the worst happens.

Not sure how your security stacks up?

Whether you’ve just had a close call or are struggling to resume operations after a breach, here’s how we help.


Get assessed

We’ll take your system through a multi-point security assessment to see where your strengths and weaknesses lie.


See our strategy

Our team of data security experts will create a plan that protects you from attacks and prepares you to come back online if the worst happens.


We get to work

We prioritize your plan together, decide who is doing what, and get started right away.

Performance tuning in a catastrophe

Read how the DCAC team was able to performance tune servers and increase performance 20-fold

Think your current environment can bounce back easily from a catastrophic event? Five days after their servers became infected, the team at Pull-A-Part was exhausted. Having repeatedly reviewed their processes, the company’s systems were still only running at 10%. CPU spikes and page drops were a constant. A 20-minute daily process was now taking 40. Most notably, the company was unable to purchase products to sell due to the debilitated environment. Download the case study to find out how we were able to help them out.

You need a partner you can trust

We wrote the book on data security, and we’re in your corner.