I’m seeing a really disturbing trend in enterprise hardware purchases these days. Companies will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on their Compute environment (the servers) but they cheap out on the storage. In the last two weeks I’ve talked to people from two different companies who have top of the line Cisco UCS servers, but for their storage they have low to mid end storage systems.
This just doesn’t make sense to me. If you know that your workload is going to be high enough to justify the cost of the Cisco UCS platform why cheap out on the storage which is really the key to making things run faster? If I know that I need to run 200 VMs in my farm, including a bunch of SQL Server instances, why are you going to buy storage that can handle 14k IOPs max (at RAID0) then after RAID something like 8k IOPs? That just doesn’t make a lot of sense at all to me.
If you are going to spend this kind of cash, spend a little more and do it all right. Everything will work much better in the long run this way.
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